Tuesday 10 April 2012

Versace for H&M

I wrote a short article on Versace for H&M a couple of months ago for an English assignment. I have stretched a few things as I figured my English teacher wouldn't really have a clue on what actually goes on in terms of fashion sales. I must have written it in an extremely bitchy mood, looking back. You'll probably be able to see that! Anyway, I thought I would share it on my blogspot as it is fairly relevant.

Versace for H&M 

An alarming amount of the so called "fashionable generation" have cashed in on the latest collection Versace has designed for H&M. As well as looking extraordinarily garish, the prices are beyond ridiculous. I'm not sure who exactly would want to pay fifty English pounds for a jumper that looks as though a chessboard has been ripped apart and glued back on to various items of clothing. If Donatella Versace was looking to create a collection that gives passers-by a headache simply for looking at it for a mere few seconds, she has certainly fitted the job description.

A large part of fashion is creating carefully planned 'throw backs' from past generations, as most people in their mid thirties would recognise several eighties trends walking around these past couple of years. Versace has decided it is time to bring back the nineties, with disgustingly bright tropical patterns sewn on to whatever pieces of material they could think of as wearable. The nineties were most certainly not a time of high fashion, with red pleather jackets gracing the likes of the Spice Girls and of course Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake waltzing into awards ceremonies in triple denim. If there is one decade which certainly does not deserve to be brought back into 'fashion', the nineties is it.

I am sure most people who have a television have probably seen the advertisement for the H&M collection. If you had to put the advert into one word, it would be 'terrifying'. The advert starts with strange music that you would expect in a fun house or circus, where Donatella Versace is the ringmaster. In the advertisement she controls her models of choice into doing strange tasks such as walking round a maze and being puppets in a wardrobe. If that hadn't made your skin crawl enough, the end of the advert certainly does; Donatella turns to the camera and bares a strange, twisted smile at the viewer with her over modified face. It is fairly safe to say that Donatella is no longer human looking with the various treatments of surgery she has undergone in some odd attempt to look 'attractive'.

The models of choice for the collection are Daphne Groeneveld and Lindsey Wixon. Which, quite frankly, and probably the poorest decision that anyone could ever make considering they both bear a face that seems to have been smacked in the face with a shovel a few times. All in all, Versace has still managed to retain the trashy feel of 'high class' Italian fashion with the ridiculously huge gold chains and logo plastered wherever it could fit. Donatella has once again proved the point that she certainly did not deserve the head designer position of Versace after Gianni's death. On the other hand she has a very strange way of tricking the population into buying her hideous designs as it was the quickest selling collection to date, selling out in under 24 hours. One must asks how this is possible, or are we all simply puppets to Donatella's fun house games? However, I, certainly am not.

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